We're Accurate Focus, a market research company located just minutes from downtown Providence.

Call us and let's get your next project on target today.
What Our Clients Say...
​"Consistently great job recruiting, even with tough specifications"

​​​- Lori Vellucci, Clarity Research Inc.​​​​​​​

"I have had the pleasure of working with Dan and the team at Accurate Focus and am always impressed with their professionalism, responsiveness, and ability to get the job done.
​ - Alison Casey, Manager, Qualitative Field Services Corporate Research Associates​​​​​​
Participate as a Respondent
Do your friends tell you that you've got a lot to say? Well share a few with us and earn some money for your thoughts.

We're always looking for individuals to participate in 1:1 interviews, small and large focus groups for a range of brands, topics and passions. Take a moment to complete our respondent application. When the right study comes along, we'll be sure to give you a call.

855 Waterman Ave
East Providence, RI 02914​

(401) 435-3335